Little things mean a lot, especially concerning your PPE It all comes down to proper fit and use, post-incident reviews, and policies and procedures
How are you transporting your contaminated PPE and equipment back to the station? When apparatus are maxed out on compartment space, storage bags offer a useful solution for transporting your gear
Making the case for firefighter PPE restricted substances lists The NFPA 1971 technical committee is currently considering an RSL of chemicals and specific levels for those chemicals
Dioxins: The most hazardous substance in structure fire environments What firefighters must understand about their exposure risks and decontamination efforts
How well do you know your PPE? Educate yourself on the materials and correct use of the gear you use for structural firefighting
Reducing firefighter cancer risk: How emotionally attached are you? Apply some simple marriage vows to your use of PPE at a structural fire
AFG 2021: Detailing changes to this year’s application FEMA has made significant updates to criteria and priorities for PPE and other key categories
Culture vs. behavior: Focus your efforts on meaningful firefighter change When fire service leaders focus on behavior change, culture takes care of itself
Firefighters are ditching the dirty gear 'Marlboro Man' look All members of the fire service must take ownership of setting a new expectation of fire service pride
Chad Costa considers why some firefighters are still afflicted with 'Dirty Helmet Syndrome' Exploring why some firefighters still glamorize dirty gear and unsafe actions, despite knowing the risks